Inclusion A - Z: a compass to international inclusion projects

This booklet is intended to serve as a compass to help you steer through the issues of inclusion and the steps to managing an international-level activity from beginning to end.

How to manage inclusion in international projects

  • Are you working with young people from fewer opportunity backgrounds? Would you like to enable them to take part in international mobility projects ?
  • Or are you working with 'mainstream' youth? Are you interested in opening up your international projects to include (more) young people from fewer-opportunity target groups?

Inclusion A to Z is designed to help open up Erasmus+: Youth activities to as many potential users as possible. The booklet is intended to serve as a compass to help you steer through the issues of inclusion. It is also a guide to help you manage an international activity from beginning to end.

The combination of theory and practical methods presented here aim to equip you to:

  • either take your first steps into Erasmus+: Youth with your inclusion group; or
  • to improve the quality and scope of your current inclusion activities.

Inclusion A to Z will help you to start creating new and exciting chances for young people to get involved and 'go international'.

Read Inclusion A to Z